If you haven’t checked out the TEDxGlasgow talk “The Great Porn Experiment” by Gary Wilson, we invite you to click the link below to watch the YouTube video. Gary asks "whether our brains evolved to handle the hyperstimulation of today's Internet enticements.” He also speaks about some of the symptoms of internet porn users and the science behind it.
Gary Wilson is the host of www.yourbrainonporn.com, a website that dives into porn’s effects on the brain. The website has videos, articles, and tools for internet porn addiction. Check it out to learn more!
If you are trying to quit porn, Anaphro may be able to help. Anaphro supplements were designed to help lower the male libido. Anaphro supplements combined with the Anaphro Program E-Guide may give you the boost you need to harness your sexual energy to more productive pursuits!
See the YouTube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSF82AwSDiU
Visit yourbrainonporn.com here: https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/about/about-this-site/